The most commonly asked questions about our Omni Grips

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Will Omni Grips fit me?

Whether you have small or large wrists, we have taken all the guess work of choosing a size out! Omni Grips are a one size fits all, extensive testing has found them suitable for the smallest and largest of wrists!

Is there a left and right handed Omni Grip?

No, the pairs of grips are not specifically labelled as ‘Left‘ or ‘Right’, any will fit on any hand. Our soft launch found that people preferred placing the grips so that the “metal square ring” was on the “pinky finger’s” side.

Are Omni Grips only used for pulling exercises

NO! We have specifically designed the wrist strap to be padded, allowing you to tighten as much as you like - therefore you can use it as wrist support for pushing exercises (military press, bench press) AND you decide whether to use the strap as a second skin (no more calluses) or just let it stay out of the way!

How long until I notice a difference?

100% of our test group and soft launch group felt an immediate difference within the first 2 sets… and had a moment of silence for all the gains they had been leaving on the table.

How do I wash them?

Since we use only quality cowhide material, we recommend cleaning ONLY by hand when nessesary. Lightly rinse under cold water.
DO NOT wash, dry clean, use detergent or abrasive materials when cleaning. KEEP OUT of direct sunlight to preserve colour and feel.